• Vyučovanie počas karantény pokračuje

        • Milí naši žiaci, rodičia a priatelia našej školy!

          Vyučovanie pokračuje aj počas karanténnych opatrení kvôli šíriacej sa pandémii COVID-19 a na túto stránku Vám budeme zverejňovať ukážky prác našich perfektných študentov, ktoré vznikli počas dištančného vzdelávania v predmete ANGLICKÝ JAZYK. Čítajte a uvidíte, že našu žiaci nemajú šancu zabudnúť angličtinu aj keď nesedia v laviciach.





          V júni pracovali študenti 7.As na projekte v rámci predmetu anglický jazyk a vytvorili online školské noviny písané v angličtine. Študenti pracovali v tíme podobnom redakcii a okrem toho, že každý z nich písal články, zodpovedali aj za celý proces vzniku stránky, web design, design loga a vytvorili novinám účty na sociálnych sieťach, ktoré aj spravujú. 


          V novinách nájde články o lokálnych aj svetových udalostiach, recenzie a odporúčania na knihy, filmy a seriály, motivačné články, tipy&triky, zážitky a mnoho ďalšieho.


          Nezabudnite naše noviny sledovať na Facebooku a Instagrame.

          Mgr.Erika Kaiserová




          Keďže naši študenti sú kreatívni, tak dostali za úlohu napísať úvahu o kreativite. Prinášame Vám 4 príspevky našich žiačok 1.ročníka bilingválneho štúdia.


          Creativity is not connected only to art. I suppose creativity is connected to our everyday life. When something goes wrong we have to be creative enough to find a new solution to save that situation. It can be also called improvisation. It is also used for example when you are cooking, painting, re-decorating… Professional dancing also involves creativity and improvisation.

          In my opinion and personal experience having a creative attitude can help you a lot when studying. When I was younger and I had to learn to recite a poem, my mother always helped me with learning by showing funny pictures and making silly grimaces. It was creative and it helped me a lot to memorize the poem.

          And a question : What type of schooling is better, a creative one or a traditional one?Well, it is different for everyone. It is subjective. Some people like the creative way and some the traditional way of teaching/learning. I think with toddlers it is more effective to use the creative one, because they are young, happy, funny, full of energy. They will memorize the curriculum easily when it is colorful, full of nice pictures or somebody interesting will teach them. But with teenagers or adults it is very different. Adults are more likely to understand and learn with the traditional way, because it is simple and clear. Graphs and tables are often very helpful.

          Also having a creative hobby can help you with school or work. With creativity you can make studying more fun! For example, make a song from the curriculum and sing it! I am very sure it will be more interesting than just reading it. But also having a creative hobbies can help you with your everyday school life. Let’s take as an example dancing. You have to memorize all the moves and its order. From my point of view, i can tell that i can memorize something easier when i started dancing than before. When you have to memorize the order and don’t make mistakes while dancing, you can do the same with biology, history.

          I hope this article will help you with your studying and work!

          L.M., 1.B 

          What does it mean to be Creative

          In my opinion, creativity is connected to not only art but to a wide variety of things. I personally believe that creativity was first used to survive long before humans appeared. We don’t usually call creations of animals and nature art. We mostly associate art with pieces made by humans. Therefore, it seems to me that creativity can’t be connected only to art.

          I think creativity helps you find new ways to learn and remember things. What‘s more, if you have a creative attitude, you can easier understand every subject and create connections between them. Apart from that, your creativity can help you find the answer to some questions in other questions of any exam if you are lucky.

          It seems to me that both traditional and creative types of learning are effective. However, each person is different and has his own most effective way of learning. For this reason, I think schools should have a place for both in their curriculums.

          To my mind, having a creative hobby can improve your problem solving skills. Furthermore, it gives you a unique perspective of seeing things. It makes you stand out, and that can essential in the highly competitive world of today.

          A.F., 1.B


          Creativity means having a lot of ideas for creating something. I would say that creativity is not only connected to art, but also music or even science. I think creativity during studying or an exam can help you find different ways of understanding and solving problems. Creative people often look at things differently. They often think of things that non-creative person wouldn’t even notice.

          I suppose creative thinking is a more effective way of studying. The traditional way most of the time focuses on one specific thing. That means you won't look at the subject from more perspectives. I think it’s always better to understand the subject from more than one perspective. For some memorising might be more effective though. It only depends on the person.


          I think a creative hobby is always a good way of relaxing. You can get your mind off of the stressful things in school or work. It develops your skills and creativity which is important. I’m not sure, but I would say that it improves your patience and focus. From my point of view, everyone should have one creative hobby.

          A.L., 1.B


          What does it mean to be Creative?

          From my point of view creativity is something that makes every person different and unique. Creativity can be some sort of escape or therapy and most importantly now that we’re all bored, we tend to entertain ourselves by creating and trying new things. In fact, it’s a great opportunity to use it as something that can help you to grow and discover. So many things have been invented because of people’s creativity. If it ever actually happens that the artificial intelligence will become stronger than people there is one thing it can never take away from us. And that is our creativity. A creative idea of a person can move the society forward. For example, an invention like the microwave. It came from a creative idea of a person and now most of us own one and it has definitely made a lot of situations easier.

          The best way to express your creativity is art. Art is a way to express your personality and emotions. A lot of times it’s helpful for our mental health. And that’s why I think that art should be done for your own happiness. An artist who wants to make money out of it definitely needs an audience. But because all people see and feel art differently it’s not always sure that you’ll be successful and that they’ll like your work. Whatever you’re trying to achieve with your art, it always should be coming from your heart.

          Isolation can affect some people in a positive way but some in a negative way. Isolation is something new to us, most have never experienced this before so we will definitely come up with completely new ideas. In uncomfortable situations people tend to do more art to get out some emotions. In my opinion the most beautiful art comes from hard times and sadness. I suppose pressure is not good for creativity. Ideas should come to your mind spontaneously. From my experience anything that I force in my life always just becomes harder.

          A.G., 1.B



          "Počas videohodín mi veľa študentov povedalo, že začali viac čítať knihy teraz keď sú doma a takisto, že im chýbajú spolužiaci a spoločne strávený čas. Aj preto som sa rozhodla zorganizovať pre nich medzitriednu, medzipredmetovú a interaktívnu online súťaž- Kahoot Master Challenge. Každú stredu posledné tri týždne sa študenti pripojili cez Zoom,na zdieľanej obrazovke videli kvízové otázky a cez druhé zariadenie zadávali v reálnom čase svoje odpovede. Otázky boli v angličtine, z rôznych oblastí, napr. geografia, história, prírodné vedy, popkultúra, atd. Súťažiaci, ktorí sa umiestnili na prvých troch miestach  budú odmenení darčekovým poukazom na nákup kníh, ktoré do súťaže venovalo kníhkupectvo Martinus.

          Ďakujeme všetkým za účasť.


          Víťazi jednotlivých kôl:

          1.kolo (29.4)

          1.miesto: Marek Jalovecký z 7.As

          2.miesto: Miroslav Kozolka z 7,As

          3.miesto: Samuel Majerčík z 7.As

          2.kolo( 6.5.)

          1.miesto: Natália Pobiecka z 7.As

          2.miesto: Samuel Novák z 7.As

          3.miesto: Nina Röthová z 2.B

          3.kolo (13.5)

          1.miesto: Marek Jalovecký z 7.As

          2.miesto: Adrián Čaň z 7.As

          3.miesto: Martin Kurčina z 2.B    

                                                                                Mgr.Erika Kaiserová


          V triede 2.As si žiaci tvorili texty na vlastné webstránky. Pravdaže písali o témach, ktoré sú im blízke. Vysoká úroveň vypracovania a výborná znalosť angličtiny sú známkami kvality.


          My website - Soňa Čaňová 

          Introduction to    Dressage

          Welcome to my website, where you can find the most important information about dressage. Dressage is a French word and means “training”. It is a highly skilled form of riding a horse, you and your horse have to be very well trained in order to do this sport. 



          Places to do Dressage

          Dressage can be done anywhere (anywhere where there's a skilled horse rider and a horse of course) however, if you want to perform dressage, you have to be in an arena (mostly 60x20 meters). In Slovakia, there's not many arenas where you can perform dressage, but there is one really close, in Pezinok Rozálka.


          Legends of Dressage

          The best dressage horse of all time is Valegro and the best dressage rider of all time is Valegro’s rider, Charlotte Dujardin. They have won a gold two times in a row at the Olympic games as individuals, and they have also won first place in the World cup Final two times in a row. In 2014 on World cup Final, she’s made the world record with the highest score ever (92,179%) and the next year, she has beaten her own record (with score 94,196%)


          Why Dressage?

          First of all: I myself do not do dressage. I ride horses, yes, and I tried with my trainer (who does dressage) a little bit of dressage, and let me tell you - it was horrible, or better said, I was horrible. It’s extremely hard, and even though it looks like the horse does all the job and the rider just sits, it’s not like that. It takes a lot of effort for both rider and the horse.

          Second of all: if you want a horse to listen to you, you have to show him that you are the boss, and that isn’t the easiest task to do if the horse is two times bigger than you, is 10 times stronger than you and weights sixteen times more than you. I think it’s beautiful how horses can cooperate with people. It's a really beautiful sport if you think about these things.




          DEŇ ZEME 22/04 – This is how we go green

          Žiaci 1.Ap si pri príležitosti dňa Zeme prečítali článok v časopise a prišli s návrhmi, ako oni sami môžu pomáhať chrániť našu zelenú planétu. 


          Kliknite na odkaz a nájdete niekoľko ich nápadov




          Keďže minulý týždeň bol Deň Zeme spojili sme túto tému so želacími vetami, ktoré sme sa učili v 1.B. Tu si môžete prečítať 50+1 želaní našich žiakov.


          EARTH DAY


          50+ 1 WISH SENTENCES


          1. I wish people separated more.

          2. If only no one had ever invented plastic.

          3. If only we could recycle more things.

          4. If people picked up litter, we would have cleaner and healthier nature.

          5. If only we could prevent global warming, we wouldn't have to worried about crops.

          6. I wish yoghurts weren't sold in plastic packages.

          7. I wish we used less palm oil, more palm trees would help orangutans survive.

          8. If only more babies were breastfed until natural weaning, less pollution would have been produced by formula producers.

          9. If only the government started to care about pollution.

          10. If only trash was separated correctly.

          11. I wish people would find love in non material things.

          12. If only we used legs and bikes more than cars.

          13. If I had more money, I would donate to charities.

          14. If only millionares donated some of their money to the ones who need it.

          15. Maybe if we had not hunted endangered species of animals, some of them would have survived.

          16. I wish we would appreciate everything we have more.

          17. I wish the Earth wasn't so polluted. We have only one Earth.

          18. If only people hadn't used so much plastic in the past. It is better now but the seas are still full of plastic.

          19. The icebergs are melting. I wish global warming wasn't so rapidly increasing.

          20. I wish my family didn't use car that much because it pollutes the environment.

          21. If only we used less plastic, we'd save lots of turtles.

          22. If only engineers in Chernobyl had been more careful, the reactor wouldn't have exploded.

          23. I have a lot of unnecessary clothes at home. I wish I could give them to someone.

          24. If only people didn't buy unnecessary clothes, we could save a lot of water.

          25. Animals should be respected. I wish people were nicer to animals.

          26. The air wouldn’t be so polluted if people didn’t use the car so often. I wish people knew earlier how much they are destroying the Earth.

          27. If everyone brought their own bag to the shop, they wouldn’t have to buy the plastic one.

          28. If we used every paper from both sides, the woodcutters wouldn’t have to cut so many trees.

          29. If only the people tried to stop deforestation in the Amazon rainforests, the trees would produce a lot more oxygen.

          30. I wish people didn’t spray the trees with chemicals. It wouldn’t kill so many bees.

          31. If only the factories didn’t release the chemicals into the water and air.

          32. People should not travel that much. I wish people did not travel so often.

          33. Some families have recycle bins at home. I wish more families had these bins.

          34. I wish people stopped buying stuffs from online distant shops like aliexpress, wish, ebay and others.

          35. If we used less cars, we would be healthier.

          36. I wish people didn’t throw chewing gums on the ground.

          37. I wish more people turned off the taps when they wash their hands and brush their teeth.

          38. If only most of the population did not throw batteries in the rubbish.

          39. If humans didn’t use single-use bags that often.

          40. I wish electric cars became more popular. 

          41. If only people stayed at home coronavirus would disappear quicklier.

          42. I wish we didn't use plastic bags.

          43. I wish we would think more about our Earth.

          44. I wish our natural resources would be used more sparingly.

          45. I wish people would plant new trees if they had cut them down.

          46. I wish less trees were cut down.

          47. I wish less water was wasted.

          48. If only people had not killed so many threatened animals. The ecosystem would be better.

          49. If only more people used public transport, there would be less air pollution.

          50. If only we would use renewable sources more. 

          51. I wish we could clean the ocean. 





          Aby sme si uvedomili, že dnešná situácia nie je jediná, ktorá ohrozuje životy ľudí na celom svete, 6.As písala o prírodných katastrofách a pohromách, ktoré už v minulosti spôsobili obrovské škody na majetku a pripravili o život veľké množstvo ľudí.


          Bushfires in Australia 2019-2020

          One of the worst fires took place in Australia just a few months ago. The fires were caused by severe droughts. However, it was also related to global warming. The bushfires broke out last summer in June 2019 and it lasted until March 2020. New South Wales was the most affected and damaged area. Many firefighters were trying to put out the fires. The air in Australia was filled with ashes. These fires have had a catastrophic impact on the environment. More than 46 million acres of land were burnt, about 9000 buildings were destroyed. What is more, there were at least 417 casualties and 34 people who died. But that is a small number of victims compared to animals. An estimated one billion animals were killed. We do not know it for sure but some endangered species may become extinct.

          The fires were extinguished but we have a bigger problem these days. People from all over the world are in panic because of coronavirus. But if we are disciplined, we can do it together.

          Sára Dobšovičová, 6.As


          On December 26th, 2004 one of the deadliest disasters known to man since 1900s occured. An undersea earthquake of 9.1 magnitude caused a deadly tsunami that hit a number of coastal towns and communities in countries such as India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and even South Africa. In some places, 30 meters high tsunami caused casualties of large proportions many people can't recover from till this day.

          Many coastal families lived off of fishing. Once the tsunami hit, not only their homes were wiped out, but thousands of people became homeless and poor as well. People had to be rescued from the destroyed areas covered with debris of their homes. About 230,000 were killed by this disaster making thousands of children orphans.

          Unfortunately, tsunamis cannot be as well predicted as this weeks' weather, what we can do though, is to educate ourselves on how to survive one. Tsunami can't be seen coming, it travels long distances as a miles long wave. Only once it hits the shore, it grows in height. If you are on a beach and hear a roaring vibration coming from the sea, run or you will get swept away by the water and the chances to survive are very low. The lack of oxygen underwater isn't the only way you might die during a tsunami. Even if you are on the land you may get killed by the debris swimming in an unstoppable current of water.

          Till this day, people who don't have the privilege to rebuild their lives as they were before the tsunami need help. Fortunately, there are organizations like World Vision that raise money to help out people affected by this. Don't hesitate to donate. Your money will support education, employment, healthcare and overall livelihood of the survivors. Every cent counts.

          Nastasia Drgalová, 6.As


          6. príspevok

          Študenti 8.A oktávy opisovali členov svojich rodín. Začítajte sa a možno sa tam spoznáte.



          My mum is a woman of a regular height and a regular body proportions. Her face may look a bit sharp at the first sight but then you reliaze she looks very friendly with those big green eyes and heartwarming smile. She's very beautiful and no one can guess her age rightly because trust me or not, she doesn't have any wrinkles. As her face, she may look a bit strict, but when you get to know her she's actually very sweet and generous. She's also very funny and that's the reason why all of my friends get along with her really well. We have such a good relationship that we don't argue about anything except cleaning, she can go crazy when something is messy, but it's because of the fact that she is very hard-working. My mum doesn't need big things in life. She's one of those people who can enjoy little things. And as she always says: "All I've ever wanted was a happy family, good relationship and when I'm already in this world, I would like to see as much of it as I can."I think this sentence says pretty much about her lifestyle. My mum likes to wear extravagant clothes but in a fashionable way for example a lot of colourful pieces and she loves shoes that may look crazy on someone else but she knows how to wear them. She has a lot of habits some of them are bad for example that she always leaves a toothpaste opened, she always stresses out before leaving a journey and so on. But some of them are funny for example she always falls asleep on Sunday when we watch Hercules Poirot and then she can't find out who was the killer. So as you may know from the previous sentence she likes watching crime series and reading crime books as well, but she likes all sort of books. What she likes as well is going to the cinema where I go with her happily. And she has one extraordinary hobby and that's baking cakes and then decorating them. My mum is the boundry of our family. She's our mum, our dad, our best friend , our biggest critic in a healthy form. She takes care of our home and us , she earns money for living and somehow always manages things to work out.



          Už po 3 týždňoch to v niektorých rodinách vyzeralo zaujímavo. Vypočujte si opisy dvoch študentov z 1.B ako to bolo v tej ich.






          Vedieme aj diskusie na rôzne témy na základe pozretého videa. Zapojili sa 7.As a 3.C






          Pýtali sme našich študentov z 5.Ak a 4.Ak




          What do you miss most these days? What are you most afraid of? What are you looking forward to once it’s all over?


          Lívia Veneniová, 5.Ak: The current situation makes me feel sad, but I believe that if we do as the experts say and follow the government guidelines, the situation will improve. It is important to act in solidarity with the most vulnerable ones.

          These days, I miss most my friends, playing badminton, walking down the streets and seeing people that belong to my life.

          I am afraid of the consequences of this crisis situation, but as I wrote before, I hope that everything will be OK. Once it’s all over, I just look forward to fully enjoying my life again, putting smiles on people’s faces and being with all the ones who I love.


          Dominika Holásková, 5.Ak: Because of the virus and the quarantine, I miss most my classmates, teachers and friends from extracurricular activities.

          I really look forward to going to school, meeting my friends and travelling when it’s all over.


          Alexander Švonavec, 4.Ak: I miss hanging out and playing basketball with my friends and teammates. I miss my family, we were supposed to celebrate Easter together but now we can’t. I miss watching sports on TV because almost all the tournaments got cancelled because of the coronavirus.

          I’m afraid of the amount of tests and exams we will have to take when we go back to school. I’m afraid of losing my grandparents due to the coronavirus. I’m afraid that if it gets worse, I won’t be able to go anywhere during the summer holidays.


          Michaela Viktorínová, 5.Ak: I miss my friends and our trips very much. I also miss the concerts that would normally take place. And most of all, I miss the freedom that we had before and we thought it was normal.

          I’m afraid of how long this situation will last. I am also a little worried about the health of my loved ones. When it is all over, I look forward to more new experiences.


          Gajane Križanová, 5.Ak: I miss having a regular schedule because now everything is out of order and messy. I miss being more free. Not necessarily only the physical aspect but also the mental one. I can’t sleep because of anxiety and it feels like I am trapped in a cage, even though I can go out. And last but not least, I miss my friends. We text a lot but I still miss them.

          I am really afraid of coming back to school. I feel like I am drowning. I am looking forward to meeting my friends, I think. I didn’t even realize how much I like them. They’re great people.


          Sofia Martincová, 5.Ak: During this quarantine, I miss mostly my friends, human interaction in general and having the possibility to go to the supermarket by myself or whenever I want to go (my parents won’t let me).

          I look forward to hanging out with my friends, I’d like to go to the cinema... I’m looking forward to going outside without the need of using a veil.


          Viktória Pokorádi, 5.Ak: These days I really miss my friends and going out with them. I am tired of chatting and calling them. I also miss my archery competitions. All of them have been cancelled till August. And I miss travelling, too. Because now I can’t go to the cinema or to a concert, for example.

          Today’s situation scares me a lot. I’m worried about my family, especially my grandparents. I don’t want them to get infected. I’m also afraid of when all this ends and what effect it will have on our economy.


          Martina Dorozlová, 4.Ak: I really miss my friends but luckily I can chat with them. I would like to meet them in person but I can’t. I also miss school. It’s easier to learn at school than at home. Then I miss my hobbies. Before I could go running whenever I wanted, but nowadays I can go running only in the morning because there aren’t so many people out there.

          Things I’m most afraid of: that it will take longer than it should and that it can get even worse. I try to think positively so I hope this won’t happen.



          Ema Havlíková, 5.Ak: I miss a lot the contact with people, especially with my grandparents and my friends. Then I miss running. I can’t go running because when I have a veil on my face, I can’t breathe well and I can collapse. I miss the silence, too. Now my mum works in my room and she has often videochats.

          I’m most afraid of the death of my grandparents. I look forward to orienteering competitions and life without stress and fear of the virus.



          Lukáš Obuch, 5.Ak: I miss going out with my friends. I miss school because we have so much fun there. I miss walking dogs in a shelter.

          I’m afraid we’ll have a lot of exams when we get back to school. I’m afraid we’ll have to wear masks all the time. I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to travel like before.



          Martin Morbacher, 5.Ak: I miss my friends the most. It’s always fun with them, so I’m looking forward to meeting them again. We have planned to go to the cinema but suddenly everything became closed, so I hope we will manage to see that movie after the quarantine. I miss my family members who I haven’t seen for a long time, like my grandmas. And I also miss playing football for my club. Our competition had to be cancelled and I am looking forward to playing matches and training.



          Tamara Macurová, 4.Ak: These days I really miss my friends and going out with them. I also miss doing sports or other activities. But mostly I miss going out for a walk whenever I want to.

          I look forward to hanging out with my friends once it’s all over. I also look forward to visiting my grandparents and going on vacation.


          Gabriela Ježíková, 4.Ak: I miss my friends, grandparents and school the most. Yet I perceive this situation positively because I can learn self-control and responsibility. We have also cancelled all our races and activities where we meet people, so I miss them. I really miss my extracurricular activities.

          I worry about my parents, grandparents and all the people I love. I am afraid that the humankind will fall into deep sadness and will not realize that we are still relatively well.



          2. príspevok

          Náš ďalší príspevok je z triedy 7.As. Názor tínedžera na tínedžerov.

          Teens today: the dumbest generation?

          Nowadays, many people say the teens are dumb, uneducated or unaware of what is happening around them. In my opinion these people are wrong. You cannot really stay online without catching up with the news and trends. And general knowledge? Most of us have it in our pockets all day long.

          The vast majority of teenagers use their phones and other devices on a daily basis. Some may say that that is the reason why they lack knowledge, but I think it is the other way around. People on the internet, social media influencers, websites, raise awareness of what is currently happening in the world. The teens probably know more about the ongoing situations than you would think. Admittedly, there are also many hoaxes and misleading information on the internet, yet I think teens tend to differentiate the truth from lies better than older people, who have never been taught how to spot fake information, or to always verify what you have read.

          In all honesty, I think it is true that teens may have a worse general knowledge than the older generations. But there is much information that you do not really need to fill your head with, because you will presumably never use it. Many teenagers realise that in the 21st century you can google almost everything. And why would it be wrong to rely on technology? It is not very likely that it will fail in the near future.

          So are teenagers really the dumbest generation? I think that teenagers are smarter than people think. Undoubtedly, they see and perceive the word differently, and there is nothing wrong about that. Even genetically, they are supposed to be the best of the best. They are aware of all the countless options to make their lives easier, not having to waste more time or energy than necessary. In a way, they are actually really smart.


          1. príspevok

          Takže hneď na úvod blog jedného nášho študenta 4.B na tú najaktuálnejšiu tému.


          People and society – current situation

          So, as you have already figured out, this post is going to be about the current situation (COVID-19) and the effect of it on our society. I will quickly go through some basic information just to be sure you know what exactly is going on. COVID-19 or Coronavirus is an infectious disease. The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. Common symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. As of 7 April 2020, more than 1.34 million cases have been reported in more than 200 countries and territories, resulting in more than 74,800 deaths. More than 284,000 people have recovered. The virus is mainly spread during close contact and by small droplets produced when those infected coughs, sneeze or talk. People may also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their face.

          As for Slovakia, sadly we have the first death and yesterday (6th April) the number of positive cases increased by 49, that makes 534 cases in total. However, if we step back and take it from a wider perspective, we are doing really well overall. Compared to some European countries like Italy, Spain or France, which are already counting their deaths in thousands, we are basically in a safe position. It’s mainly caused by a few facts. Firstly, we didn’t underestimate the situation from the start. Italy has one of the best medical systems in the world but they weren’t aware enough at the start and that led to a disaster. Secondly, we are a poor country and for the first time, it’s a good thing. Our citizens don’t have money for expensive travels to epicentres of Coronavirus (Asia, Italy, Spain, US). The last reason is also related to the second one – not as many visitors are interested in visiting Slovakia as some western European counties. After all, most of the time tourists in Bratislava are from Asian countries and for them it was prohibited to travel as soon as the disease was discovered.

          Let’s now speak more about the influence on our society. Generally speaking, we are in an uncomfortable position. It starts with the prohibition of socialization and grouping up, which is our basic instinct as people. It’s the most common thing to go for lunch or coffee with friends and we surely miss it (except for introverts). Speaking of lunch and coffee, a lot of owners of gastro facilities had to close to prevent the disease from spreading and because of this a bunch of employees have lost their jobs. This also applies for any kind of facility for entertainment (theatres, bowling arenas, fun fairs, etc.). All this leads to a quite terrifying economy situation which is also uncomfortable, but safety of population is more important.

          Everybody is influenced in some way, but what about us, students? What about me? Well, I’m currently in my last year, so I can see some positives…not the edupage – that is a complete mess and sometimes I overlook homework (sorry, Mrs. Filipková). Although it’s easier to pass this year (probably), we as students are in an uncertain position as we have no idea what will happen next. Will we go back to school and sit for school-leaving exams? Will we get maturita for free? Will we repeat the year (hopefully not)? No one knows, so we just do what we can do the best – procrastinate. Aside of being students, most of us work in a part time job, which is now closed, so mum´s hotel, here we go! I can already imagine telling my kids about how I fought a global pandemic in 2020, “I woke up at 11am everyday, I played the computer everyday, I delivered face masks to old people as a volunteer, sometimes I studied a little bit…and I gained 3 kilos” Almost as my grandpa fighting in WW1. A hero, but in a different way. So, what am I doing? I’m acting responsible and I’m staying at home. I work as a volunteer and I distribute face masks to old people in Pezinok, so I’m helpful in a way. I study, surprisingly a lot (like do we need so many marks? I’m fine with writing a blog like this, but some of the homework…damn they are unnecessary). I’m trying to work out and I’m drinking good coffee (if I can’t make it for our customers in our café , I make it for myself).
          Hope you are all doing well and that you wash your hands.
          Stay safe



    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium
      • 033/6412252
        0914 134 505
      • Senecká 2
        902 01 Pezinok
      • 17050201
      • Riaditeľka školy
        Mgr. Iveta Čorňáková
        tel. 033/641 24 95
        0914 124 505

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        Mgr. Jaroslava Remperová
        tel. 033/641 36 39

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        033/641 22 52
        0914 134 505

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        Bc. Darina Brunovská
        tel. 033/641 22 52
        mobil 0914 134 505

        Silvia Dzíbelová
        tel. 033/640 77 60
        0914 704 505

        Alena Vladová
        tel. 033/640 77 60
        0914 704 505

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        Mgr. Katarína Heimschildová

        Školský psychológ
        Mgr. Zdenka Caleková

        Zodpovedná osoba na OOÚ
        Bc. Darina Brunovská
        tel. 033/6412252
        mobil 0914 134 505
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